Review date
24 December 2003
     Let Controlling Your Business control your business. Controlling Your Business helps you track customers or companies, products, inventory, suppliers, expenses, things-to-do lists and invoicing; while you do your business.
     Controlling Your Business has a simplistic modular design which is perfect for the user who needs to track important information without the complexity of some of the major financial packages. It is equipped with full-featured searching, sorting and filtering of your data for printing and/or exporting in delimited text, Excel Spread Sheet, and Word Merge document. Some of its functions include; Invoicing, Evaluations, Built-In Spell Checking, Export data directly from tables, User defined color schemes, Modularly designed for easy modification, International Taxation Tracking and many more.
     Controlling Your Business is absolutely the easiest invoice or invoicing software designed for home-based and/or small business management.